Learning Outcomes:

In this course you will...

  • Map your current network and identify any gaps,

  • Outline your own definition of success,

  • Integrate into our community of women entrepreneurs,

  • Engage with your coaching circle.

"You can't do it alone. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them and it will change your life" - Amy Poelher

In this course, we will explore the misconceptions of success and help you define your own version of success. Perhaps now more than ever, many of us are re-evaluating and prioritising what we want for our working lives. This course will help you align your personal and professional values which will be the foundation to succeed and thrive through your business.

We'll show you how to intentionally map out the people you need to support you on your journey, their qualities and the different roles they play. With this will come an encouragement to think about how you can use your own skills and qualities to help others. We'll then move on to identifying the gaps in our support networks and make a plan for how these can be filled.

Finally, we’ll introduce the concept of coaching circles, an integral part of the Keystone experience. We’ll match our new members in to circles and give you the basic tools and confidence you need to get started in your own coaching circles.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the community

    2. Introduction

    3. Find Your Tribe

    4. Finding Community

    5. Let's Get Started

    1. Introduction

    2. Business done differently and our approach

    3. What does success mean to you?

    1. Introduction

    2. Network Mapping

    3. Building Community

    4. Join the Keystone Community

    1. If I wasn't so humble

    2. Community Discussion Post

    1. Wellness Rituals

    2. Gratitude Journaling

    3. Wellness Community Page

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content