Learning Outcomes

In this course you will...

  • Interrogate the concept of “a brand”,

  • Build clarity in your vision and mission for your business,

  • Identify your personal USP and investigate how you can communicate this,

  • Define your creative style and how this relates to your brand identity.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde

Brands are not just for big businesses. In essence, creating a brand is your opportunity to tell a story about the why, how and what of your business, which in turn makes it unique and impossible to copy. 

This course will explore the building blocks of a successful brand and give you time to reflect on these for your own business. 

We’ll help you write the story of your brand, define exactly who your customers are and why they would buy from you. We’ll discuss the importance of knowing your niche and being bold about appealing to those customers even if it means putting others off. In the second half of the course, we’ll have some fun defining your creative style, and look at visual brand assets and how these can be used to communicate your vision and values. We’ll also consider the importance of testing and refining your brand and ways to do this.

There will be lots of opportunity for discussion and time to work on your business but equally you will take away tools that you can use in your own time.

Join us if you are refreshing a brand, creating a new brand from scratch or need focused time to think about the story of your brand and how this sets you apart.

Course curriculum

    1. New Brand World

    2. Introduction

    3. Before we begin...

    1. New Brand World

    2. Introduction

    3. What is a brand?

    4. Your story, your brand

    1. Introduction

    2. Case Study - Project Body Hair by Billie

    3. Your Brand Vision

    1. Introduction

    2. Customer Visualisation

    1. Introduction

    2. Vision Boarding

    3. Example Vision Boards

    4. Example Brand Mood Boards from Canva

    1. Communicating Your Brand Values Effectively

    2. Key Words & SEO

    3. Putting It All Together

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Social proof: reviews